Green tea and calming effect – truth or myth?

Green tea and calming effect – truth or myth?

Green tea constitutes a treasury of valuable nutrients and health properties. For whole millennia, it has been considered to be a medicine for the body, mind and soul. Its lovers reach for it for a myriad reasons. Some appreciate its stimulating, metabolism-boosting...
The effect of green tea on blood pressure

The effect of green tea on blood pressure

Green tea lovers reach for it all over the world for many reasons. Its extract is an extremely strong antioxidant preventing aging processes, improving concentration, and boosting metabolism. Some kinds of green tea, such as matcha powder, can even pose as a...
Who should watch out for green tea consumption?

Who should watch out for green tea consumption?

Green teas are one of the healthiest natural products to include in your daily diet. They perform a strong antioxidant effect, can boast of an effective slimming effect, successfully regulate blood pressure, noticeably improve the condition of the skin, hair and...
Does Japanese green tea contain caffeine?

Does Japanese green tea contain caffeine?

Green tea enthusiasts reach for their favourite brews for a number of reasons. Some of them are looking for alternatives for coffee, while others are searching for decaffeinated drinks. Does green tea contain caffeine? Yes, although… not all of its kinds! In our...
What amounts of green tea can you consume?

What amounts of green tea can you consume?

Green tea can definitely be considered to be a part of the group of the so-called “Superfoods” – products showing numerous unique health-promoting properties. Filled with vitamins and minerals, such as B, A, C vitamins, magnesium, iron, and calcium,...
Green tea and deacidification

Green tea and deacidification

Human body can be described as complicated machinery, the balance of which can be disturbed by numerous factors. Organism’s acidification is an example of such a disordered functioning. Acidification is a cause of a wide range of onerous maladies, such as chronic...
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